Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LJ to Science Centre - Fun with Animals

Hi P3 Charity, we had an enjoyable and very meaningful lesson at the Science Centre learning how to classify animals. Here are some of the photos and reflection questions for you to view and do:

1. Write 3 things that you had learnt.

2. Write 2 things that you enjoyed doing.

3. Write 1 question that you have.


  1. 1.
    a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrate
    b.the environment that the mealworm prefers
    a.touching the specimen
    b.seeing the chicks because it is so cute.
    3.what is amphibians.

  2. 1)3 things that I have learnt.
    a)I learned how to classify animals into Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
    b)I learned how the environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c)I learned that sea star don't have backbone.

    2)2 things that I enjoyed.
    a)I enjoyed touching the specimens.
    b)I enjoyed seeing interesting things such as sea star,sea cucumber,mealworm and the cicada's exoskeleton.

    3)1 question I have.
    a)I want to know more about amphibians such as flying lizards.

  3. xeris meagan seah kai tingNovember 4, 2010 at 4:29 PM

    3 things that I learnt
    a.Classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    b.The environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.The outer covering of animals.
    2 things that I enjoyed
    a.I enjoyed touching the specimen.
    b.Learning abouts outer coverings.

    1 question I have
    a.cicada can be eaten is it ?

  4. 1a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    b.the environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.the outer coverings of animals.

    2a.seeing interesting things like mealworm,chicks,fish,seacucumber,seastar,hamsters, turtle and cicada.
    b.touching the backbone.

    3a.what to learn characteristics.

  5. Three things i had learnt
    a.Classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    b.The enviroment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.The outer covering of animals.
    Two things i enjoyed
    a.Touching cicada's cucumbers
    b.learning about outer covering
    One question I have sea cucumber edible?

  6. 1 .a.Classify animals into VerTERBRATES AND Invertabrates.
    b.The eenvironment that the mealworm perfers.
    c.The outer coverings of animals.
    2.cicada's exoskeleon
    sea cuamber
    sea star
    3.why can't we touch the hamster,chick,mine and other?

  7. 1)a.classify animals into verterates and Ivertabrates.
    b.Theehvironment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.The outer coverings of animals.
    2)cicada's exoskeleon
    sea cucnmbersea star
    3)Why can't we touch the hamster,chicns mine and other?

  8. A.classify animals into vertebrates and Invertebrates. b.The environment that the mealworm prefers C.The outer coverings of animals.

  9. 1.3 things that i have lerrn learnt.
    A)classfy animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    b)the eniroment that the mealworm perfers.
    c)the outer covering of animals.

    1.2things thata i enjoyed.
    A)i enjoyed toushing the back bone of animals.
    b)learning new thing like does seastar hve mouth.

    3.1 question i have.
    A)i want to know more about amphibians such as flying lizards.

  10. 1.I have learn that classify animals .
    2.I enjoyed doing the experiment.
    3.What is the meaning of amphibien.

  11. 1.Three things i have learnt.
    a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.

    b.the eavio ronment that the mealworm prefers.

    c.the outer coverings of animals.
    2.2 things that i enjoyed.

    a.i enjoyed touching the sea cucumber.

    b.i enjoyed touching the prawn.

    i do not have any thing to say about the question

  12. 1.3 things that i have learnt...
    a.sea cucumber is Invertebrate .
    b.the mealworm prefers darkness and shade
    c.The duck have feathers.

    2.i enjoyed ...
    a.seeing the pets in the container
    b.i enjoyed touching the exo skeleton.
    c.i enjoyed touching the sea cucumber but at first i was scared .

    3.1 question i have ...
    a.why the animals can also be our pets ?

  13. 1.I have learnt that how to classify 2.Invertabrates and Verteabrates animals!It was interesting watching the mealworm moves and touching the sea cucumber and cicada's exoskeleton and diffrent types of sea food under water .
    3.We try to observe what are the outer coverings of each animals.that was so much fun .
    My comment is that i really like all the lesson and i alredy know three things.

    from Ktherine:)

  14. 1)3 things that i have learnt.
    a)I had tlearnt how to classify animals into Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
    b)The enviromentthat the mealworm prefers.
    c)Some animals have fur,feathers and scales.
    2)2 things that i enjoyed.
    a)i enjoy touching the specimen.
    b)i enjoy learning new things from Ms Lim
    3)I have 1 question.
    What is the meaning of amphibien.
    3)1 question

  15. Sabrinnah, amphibians are animals which live in water and on land.

    Stephanie, you may surf National Geograhphic or wikipeadia website to find out more about amphibians.

    Meagan, I don't think that cicada can be eaten. You may if you DARE!!

  16. 1.3 things that I have learnt.

    a)Classify animals ito Veterbrates and Invertebrates.

    b)The environment that the mealworm prefers.

    c)The outer coverings of animals.

    2.2 things that I enjoyed.

    a)I enjoyed touching the specimens such as the sea star and the sea cucumber.

    b)I enjoyed learning that seastars have a mouth.

    3)1 question I have.

    a)Iwant to know more about amphibians such as flying lizards.
    b)I enjoyeed

  17. samantha see min xuanNovember 4, 2010 at 4:37 PM

    1.classify animals into vertebrates and Invertebrates.
    1.the environvment that the maelworm prefer.
    1.the outer covrings of animals.

    2.i have enjoyed in the science room because i can see the things.the things is starfish, the chick, the earthworm and the sea cucumber.
    2.i enjoyed the cicada`s exoskeleton because i have touch the cicada`s exoskeleton is so funny
    3.we are at the lab lesson, i want to why the snake skeleton is flexible.

  18. 1)3 things that I have learnt.
    a)I had learnt how to classify animals into
    Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
    b)The environment that the mealworm perfers.
    c)Some animals have fur,feathers,scales.
    2)2 things that i enjoyed.
    a)I enjoyed touching the specimen.
    b)I enjoy learing new thing from Miss.lee.
    3)what is the meaning of amphibians.

  19. 1,a.I have leant the environment that the mealwrom prefers.
    b.I have leant a classify animals into Vertbrates and Invertbrates.
    c.The outer covering of animals.
    2,a.I enjoy touching the cicada's exosheleton and sea cucumber
    b.I enjoy seeing a real sea star.
    3,a.I want to know more about amphibians such as flying lizards.

  20. A.I enjoyed seeing animals. B.I enjoyed touching the animals backbone. C.I enjoyed watching the mealworm go to the dead leaves.

  21. Veronica, sea cucumber can be eaten. It can be a healthy food.

  22. 1.
    three things that i have learnt.
    a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    b.The environment that the meal worm prefers.
    c.The outer covering of animals.
    2.Two things that i enjoyed.
    I enjoyed touching the things all.
    b.I enjoyed seeing interting things such like cicadas exoskeleton ,seashell and cucumber,sea star and chicks.
    One question i have.
    What is the meaning of invertebrates.

  23. 1. 3 things that I have learnt.....
    a) Sea cucumber is Invertibrates.
    Sardine is Vertebrates.
    b) The mealworm prefers the darkness.
    c) The duck and peacock has feathers.
    2. 2 things that I enjoyed.....
    I enjoyed touching specimen such as sea cucumber, prawns and sardine and I enjoyed touching the animals's outer coverings such as cicada's exoskeleton and sea star.
    3. 1 question I have.....
    I want to learn more about what is the outer coverings of sea star and how they eat.

  24. i have one question ... mealworms edible

  25. Samantha, the snake are born with flexible skeleton for their survival.

  26. 1.a. Classify animals into Vertebrates.
    b. The environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c. The other coverings of animals.
    2.Cicada's exoskeleton
    Sea Cucumber
    Sea star
    3.Why sea star mouth is under the body.

  27. 1. 3things that i have learnt.
    a.Classify animals into vertebrates and Invertebrates.
    b.The environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.The outer covering of animals.
    2. 2 things that I enjoyed.
    3. 1 question I have.
    iI enjoy touching sea cucumber.

  28. Why can't we touch the hamster,chicks and other.

  29. 1a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates
    1b.the environment that the meal worm prefers
    1c.the outer coverings of the animals.
    2a.i enjoyed looking at all the alive animals.
    2b.i enjoyed touching the sea cucumber
    3c. i enjoyed looking diffrent animals
    3a.i want to learn more things

  30. Raviyathul, you didn't pay attention during the lesson? Invertebrates are animals with no backbone.

  31. Yes! Only if you dare. People in some countries fry the mealworm and eat. Mealworms have high protein content.

  32. 3 things that I have learnt.

    a.classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.

    b.The environment that the mealworm prefers.
    c.The outer coverings of animals.

    2. 2 Things that I enjoy.
    1. I enjoyed seeing interesting things such as sea cucumber,sea star,mealworm ane cicada's exoskeleton.

    3.1 question I have:a. I want to know more about amphibians such as flying Lizards.

  33. 1.Classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
    1.the enviroment that the mealworm prefers
    1.the outer coverings of animals

    1.Touching the specimen
    2.listening to Miss Lim explaining
    What is the meaning of amphibians.
