Saturday, July 24, 2010

At the Beach

Hi P3 Ch, this is the 2nd composition which you have done. I have chosen Genevieve's. After reading, discuss with one classmate of yours and type in three other words or phrases that you can use for "drowning", and change the ending for the story.

On Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. Jackie, Sally, Tom and Justin went to the beach to play. The beach was very crowded. People were cycling, swimming and having picnic. Sally, Tom and Justin made sandcastle while Jackie played ball.

They were happily making sandcastle when Justin saw Jackie swimming alone to retrieve his ball in the water. Justin was shocked to see that because the sea was rough and it was high tide. It was too dangerous to swim alone.

Just then, Justin saw Jackie struggling and seemed to be drowning. Justin quickly dived into the water to save him. Sally and Tom were worried if Justin could save Jackie.

Justin managed to save Jackie and pulled him back to the beach. Sally and Tom were very happy to see that their friends were safe. Jackie was grateful to Justin and he had learnt not to go into the sea alone.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Math Quiz (5)

Jamie, Peter, Karen and Ben had a race.
Their finishing order was 1, 2, 3, 4 with no ties.
Ben was faster than Karen, but was not 1st or 3rd.
Jamie was just one place in front of Karen.
Who was first?

Math Quiz (4)

Hi pupils,
Another question for you to solve. Have fun!

Find the unknown (?). Provide your method in getting the answer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Composition 1

Hi P3 charity, I will be posting well-written composition done by your classmates. Here is the first composition which you have done. I have chosen Ayuni's work. Do read and learn.

"Mum, can I go to the park and play ball?" asked Pete. "Ok, but be careful not to go near the canal." said his mother. So Pete went to the park happily and played. He did not know that he was playing near the canal.
As he was playing, his ball dropped into the canal. Pete wanted to retrieve his ball so he climbed over the railing. When he wanted to catch the ball, he fell into the canal.
Pete screamed for help. A passer-by saw him calling for help and he dived into the canal. Pete was swept away further and further away to the deep sea as he could not swim. Pete screamed and he panicked. The man whose name was Kent swam swiftly and finally got Pete. Then he carried Pete home.
When Pete reached home, his mother was shocked to see him soaking wet. His mother was so angry. She told Pete that he should watch where he was kicking the ball to and never play near the canal.

Photography and Comic Life art pieces

During the March holidays, some of the P3 girls had attended the workshop on Photography and Comic Life. Do go into the link below and admire the fantastic work of Jia Yi, Niru and many others’ !