Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LJ to Science Centre - Fun with Animals

Hi P3 Charity, we had an enjoyable and very meaningful lesson at the Science Centre learning how to classify animals. Here are some of the photos and reflection questions for you to view and do:

1. Write 3 things that you had learnt.

2. Write 2 things that you enjoyed doing.

3. Write 1 question that you have.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Math Quiz (6)

A magic square has all lines going across, down and diagonally adding to the same number.
What is the missing value?

Answer to Math Quiz (5)


Jamie, Peter, Karen and Ben had a race.
Their finishing order was 1, 2, 3, 4 with no ties.
Ben was faster than Karen, but was not 1st or 3rd.
Jamie was just one place in front of Karen.
Who was first?

Ben was faster than Karen, but was not 1st or 3rd, so Ben must be 2nd. (Ben cannot be 4th as well since he beat Karen and 4th is last position; that would be Karen.)
Jamie was just one place in front of Karen, so Jamie is 3rd and Karen is 4th.
So Peter is first!

Answer to Math Quiz (4)

Find the unknown (?). Provide your method in getting the answer.

Take 8 + 9 (from the 1st thirds of the 2 circles) = 17 (number shown in the 1st third of the other circle)
3 + 5= 8 (Follow the same steps as the one above)
? + 14 = 40
Answer: 26
Congratulations to those of you who got it right!
Those of you who failed to do so, don't give up, please keep trying! You CAN do it! :-)

Picture Puzzles - English

Hi Children,

How has your holiday been?

Here are some rebus puzzles.
A rebus puzzle is a kind of word puzzle that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words.

Guess what the following rebus puzzles are trying to say.

Using a straw to pull liquid up?

Hi P3 Charity pupils, do the simple experiment and answer the following questions:

1. When you drink liquid from a cup using a straw, are you really pulling the liquid up?
2. Explain why the liquid can travel up the straw and reach your mouth?(hint: related to air and pressure)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Water Safety

Hi P3 Charity,

Do you remeber a composition you wrote on water safety?

Here's one composition written by a pupil in the level.

"Alright boys, you have practised well today. Let's call it a day and we shall meet again tomorrow. As the competition is coming soon, go home and rest well." said the soccer coach before he dismissed the boys. John took his soccer ball and left the field.

On his way home, John dribbled his ball merrily along a canal. Suddenly, he tripped over a stone and fell. The ball rolled into the canal. As it was his favourite soccer ball, John desperately tried to get the ball back. He leaned over the railings and tried to retrieve the ball. At that moment, he accidentally fell into the canal.

John cried out in fright. He really hoped that a passer-by would come to his rescue. Fortunately at that moment, someone walked past the canal and heard John's cries for help. Without any second thoughts, the passer-by quickly jumped into the canal to save John. He swiftly swam towards John and saved him.

It was indeed a wonder that John was rescued in such a deep canal. However, John could not retrieve his soccer ball. Nonetheless, it was a good lesson learnt for John that day. He vowed never to commit the same mistake again.

I have 3 questions for you to think about.

(1) pick out 2 good words / phrases
(2) pick out a good idea / portion from the above composition that you think can improve the composition you wrote
(3)change the ending of this composition (last paragraph)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

National Day Lower Primary Game

Hi P3 Charity,

I 'm very proud of you. I'm sure you had great fun during the game on 8 August. Although we did not win, you sure had displayed good sportsmanship! Here are some photos for you to enjoy!

You can write about how you feel about the whole game.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Materials used for building houses

Hi P3 Charity,

Here's some science questions on materials for you to blog on. Refer to your science textbook pg 60 and blog about the following questions:

a. Which materials were used to make the different houses?
b. What are the points to consider when deciding whether a material is a good building material or not?
c. Besides wood and bricks, what other materials are used to make houses around the world and why?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

At the Beach

Hi P3 Ch, this is the 2nd composition which you have done. I have chosen Genevieve's. After reading, discuss with one classmate of yours and type in three other words or phrases that you can use for "drowning", and change the ending for the story.

On Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. Jackie, Sally, Tom and Justin went to the beach to play. The beach was very crowded. People were cycling, swimming and having picnic. Sally, Tom and Justin made sandcastle while Jackie played ball.

They were happily making sandcastle when Justin saw Jackie swimming alone to retrieve his ball in the water. Justin was shocked to see that because the sea was rough and it was high tide. It was too dangerous to swim alone.

Just then, Justin saw Jackie struggling and seemed to be drowning. Justin quickly dived into the water to save him. Sally and Tom were worried if Justin could save Jackie.

Justin managed to save Jackie and pulled him back to the beach. Sally and Tom were very happy to see that their friends were safe. Jackie was grateful to Justin and he had learnt not to go into the sea alone.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Math Quiz (5)

Jamie, Peter, Karen and Ben had a race.
Their finishing order was 1, 2, 3, 4 with no ties.
Ben was faster than Karen, but was not 1st or 3rd.
Jamie was just one place in front of Karen.
Who was first?

Math Quiz (4)

Hi pupils,
Another question for you to solve. Have fun!

Find the unknown (?). Provide your method in getting the answer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Composition 1

Hi P3 charity, I will be posting well-written composition done by your classmates. Here is the first composition which you have done. I have chosen Ayuni's work. Do read and learn.

"Mum, can I go to the park and play ball?" asked Pete. "Ok, but be careful not to go near the canal." said his mother. So Pete went to the park happily and played. He did not know that he was playing near the canal.
As he was playing, his ball dropped into the canal. Pete wanted to retrieve his ball so he climbed over the railing. When he wanted to catch the ball, he fell into the canal.
Pete screamed for help. A passer-by saw him calling for help and he dived into the canal. Pete was swept away further and further away to the deep sea as he could not swim. Pete screamed and he panicked. The man whose name was Kent swam swiftly and finally got Pete. Then he carried Pete home.
When Pete reached home, his mother was shocked to see him soaking wet. His mother was so angry. She told Pete that he should watch where he was kicking the ball to and never play near the canal.

Photography and Comic Life art pieces

During the March holidays, some of the P3 girls had attended the workshop on Photography and Comic Life. Do go into the link below and admire the fantastic work of Jia Yi, Niru and many others’ !

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Answer to Math Quiz (3)

Hi all,
Here is the answer. Congratulations again to those of you who manage to get the answer right.

What is the answer in the blank?

Ans: RI
Explanation: Look at the first row of letters - RA, SC and TE. The 2nd letter of each pair of letters are A, C and E. The pattern is such that it skips by a letter. A to C skips letter B.
C to E skips letter D.
If you look at the 2nd row of letters - QC, RE and SG, the 2nd letter of each pair of letters are C, E and G. Again, it skips a letter to get to the next letter. C to E skips letter D.
E to G skips letter F.
This pattern applies to the last row of letters, PE, QG and ?. From E to G, it skips letter F. So, G to ? will skip letter H. As such,the 2nd letter should I.
If you look at the diagonal row of letters, RA, RE and ?, the first letter R is underlined. This is again a pattern and hence, the first letter of ? should be R.
That makes the answer RI.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Math Quiz (3)

What is the answer in the blank?

Answer to Math Quiz (2)

Hi 3 Charity

The answer is finally here! Are you excited?

If there are FIVE people in a room and each shakes hand exactly once with everyone else in the room, how many handshakes will there be?

Okay, I have attached a picture here to help you understand it better. The coloured dots represent people. Each line between the dots represents a handshake. The numbers represent the number of handshakes. Remember the handshake is not supposed to be repeated.

10 handshakes

It is best to act it out with 4 other people. It really helps in your understanding.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Math Quiz (2)

If there are FIVE people in a room and each shakes hand exactly once with everyone else in the room, how many handshakes will there be?
(Hint: Act it out or draw a diagram to help you.)

Answer to Math Quiz (1)

What is the missing number?
Wow, Hafeel, I am glad you get the right answer. The answer is 18.
How to get it:
Multiply numbers outside the + sign. That means, take 6 x 5. It gives you 30 which can be found between the numbers in the diagram. Try 8 multiplied by 3. It gives you 24. Hence, to get the answer, you need to multiply 6 and 3.
Hafeel, do let your classmates know of your class blog if you happen to be chatting with them. Ask them to try out the quizzes here. Thank you!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hi Girls,

How has your holiday been so far?

Do you still remember what we have learnt in class about conjunctions?
Take a minute to list down all the conjunctions we have learnt so far. (and, so, but ……) Can you think of more?

Let us do a little revision before we proceed to the quiz.
There are three factsheets. Go through each of the factsheet.

Conjunctions join two short and simple sentences to make a compound sentence.

Try these games.
There are three parts to the game:
- Is this a compound sentence?
- Make compound sentences
- Putting texts into compound sentences

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Math Quiz (1)

Dear 3 Charity pupils,

This is our first Math Quiz. There will be more quizzes coming. Be sure to view your class blog at least once every week. Answers will be out next week. Hope you enjoy solving it.

Please explain, that is, show your method in deriving at the answer.

What is the missing number?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reflection on LJ to Jacob Ballas

Hi P3 Charity, you've been to Jacob Ballas. Now you need to do reflection on the learning journey. Answer all the questions below:

1) What have you learnt from the Learning Journey to Jacob Ballas Garden?
2) What was the most interesting activity and why?
3) What other things would you like to learn in the Jacob Ballas Garden?
4) Would you want other people to come to Jacob Ballas Garden? Why?

Monday, February 22, 2010


Fresh milk used to be delivered in glass bottles but often along the way someone would break them. So it was not the easiest and safest way to store milk. Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg came up with a solution when they managed to store milk in a paper carton.

The paper carton did not break. The paper carton was lined with a layer of plastic on the inside so that the milk does not seep through the paper. Their way of packaging also solved another problem. It was able to allow for milk to be kept from going bad for much longer periods of time than in a glass bottle. They managed to do this by keeping harmful bacteria out
when they did not allow air to enter the paper carton when they sealed it.
Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg eventually called their invention ”Tetra aedern.” and their company “Tetrapak”. You definitely would have drank from their paper cartons at one time or another. Just look into your fridge for the milk packet or fruit juice packet. Or perhaps the one you are about to drink from at recess time. Most of the time you would find the name “Tetrapak” on some part of it.

1. Find out what it is that they did at

2. Why was it so important for Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg to keep harmful bacteria out? (Hint: Refer to your textbook on pg 59).

3. What is another way of making milk last longer?

4. “Bacteria can be found almost everywhere” If this statement is true, which method do you think is better? Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg’s or the answer from question 2?

5. Do you think Tetrapak eventually used a form of___________(answer from Question 2) to make their milk last even longer than just depending on the packaging alone?